Blogjockey POD Cast

Monday, March 2, 2009

Journalism - Why I chose Journalism as my career

Im currently doing third year Journalism Radio, Economic & industrial Socoilogy 3 and Sound technology 1. Not only am I a journ student, I also lead ( deputy editor) one of the most successful student newspapers on campus The Oppidan Press.

When I first came at Rhodes, I wanted to journalsim because I wanted to join the vibrant and rapidly growing South African entertianment undustry. However after dealing with a lot of media studies thoeries, I had to think again as what I want to achieve as a journalist.

I now have ambitions of becoming a development journalist or a sports journalist. The concept of development journalism is relatively new and that big in SA right now but I think there is pontetial for it (development journalism) to grow. Sports in SA is seen as a unifiying factor! but is it really? Look at the stands on cricket and rugby grounds... only one race is dominant: white. Look at the local soccer grounds only one race is dominat: black. However it can be said that a few black people like myself do follow rugby and cricket but there does not seem to be any support for local soccer from our fellow white South Africans! Most traditional white boy schools don't even offer soccer as a sporting option. Look at 2010 its suppose to bring the rainbow nation together... but is it going to really? Well lets look at the tickets 1st.... there is about 3 million tickest avialable for the public. But one can only buy the Fifa tickes by applaying online or through FNB. Now only 5million South Africans have access to internet... this then immediatly eliminates any chances for the other 40+ million SA citezens who don't have internet.

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