Blogjockey POD Cast

Monday, May 11, 2009

Jacob Zuma my great President

Jacob Zuma who has had a long journey to power has finally reached the promised land after brutal public battles against his greatest political rival Thabo Mbeki. One has to admire the never die or give up attitude of Jacob Zuma, the man was down and out at one stage and he amazingly turned things around to make one of the greatest comebacks in political history. In a historic and moving event that was showered by rain and graced by the great presents of Nelson Mandela, Jacob Zuma was sworn in as President of South Africa.

Zuma is a symbol of hope for many poor South Africans, he is a symbol of struggle and triumph. The man smells of fire because he’s been through hell, he wears battle scares as badges of honour. He has been tried and tested literally and figuratively! From accused rape charges to an eight year battle against the NPA and he came out standing tall. Some may never forgive him for his shower comments that were greatly sensationalised by the very anti-Zuma South African press. Helen Zille will continue challenging Zuma’s moral standing and Zapiro will probably continue mocking the man by drawing him with a shower head. BUT the nations poor, or the over 10 million who voted for ANC have long waited for this moment and will be celebrating and whishing Jacob Zuma “umsholozi” all the best in state highest office.

I believe that Jacob Zuma has been unjustly trialed and convicted by the court of public opinion. Most of South African press have portrayed “msholozi” as uneducated, immoral and South Africa’s worst nightmare! But the over 10 million ANC voters know that even though he may not have received western British education like Mbeki he knows how to connect with the people. Zuma is charismatic, charming, approachable and he knows how to get the masses moving with his trademark song “mshini wam”.

Zuma knows he’s facing tough times ahead of him, with the economic global recession and many South Africans losing their jobs. He will need our support and fair criticism.
We need to stop being passive consumers of media products and be more analytical of what we receive because the press tends to be biased. We also need to learn to forgive people for their mistakes and move forward. Zuma may have made some questionable statements during his trial but he is now our president and its time we forgave him and look forward to what the future holds.

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