Blogjockey POD Cast

Monday, May 25, 2009

May podcast

May 1st Podcast broadcast –Reflective

For the second time my role in the Podcasts broadcast was that of anchor. This time around I believe I did a good job. I read stories clearly and at a steady pace, unlike my first attempt at anchoring this time around I was a lot more comfortable.

The lead story: RDP houses fall apart. Well I must state I was happy that for the second time my group decided to put my story as the lead! On a personal note I enjoyed putting this story together; reason being I only started working on the story Wednesday morning and it was due at 2pm. I was under a lot of pressure running around getting sources and worrying about meeting my deadline 2pm, was an amazing real life journalist experience. It took my class mates days to get their stories together it took me just one morning! I was very happy with the sound clips and the sources I got.

The RDP houses residents- sounded very frustrated and the local RDP housing representative sounded like a true politician: denial denial…
I felt the story was newsworthy and in line with our “constitution” giving voice to the voiceless. Though the Makana RDP housing representative claims to have no knowledge of the houses falling apart… he now knows that the residents are unhappy!

I felt all stories by my group were relevant and of good quality. We lived to the promises of speaking to the person on the ground. I beleive the stories would have appealed to people in Joza. We work quite well together and its amazing how we have improved from last year.

If I may be critical... I still think we can do more stories outside campus! Having gone out there a number of accasions... there is much to be reported on. We had two campus related stories: Galela Amanzi and "My body my chioce". "Though the my body my choice" addresses important issues... the campaings target audince are Rhodes people. There were not any Joza or Hlalani location particpants on the campaign.. Joza people (unless they work at Rhodes) probably don't know about it.

Galela Amanzi... yes its a good fluff story but I would have preffered if the story was on the day that they actually sponsored the tanks in the townships schools. Then would be sound clips of teachers, school pupils and parents.

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